Friday, December 3, 2010

Best Sleep Position During Pregnancy

Exactly how sleep position is best during pregnancy? In the early trimester of pregnancy in which the stomach has not been enlarged, pregnant women can sleep and rest in any position whatsoever. The important thing is to provide comfort for pregnant women to be able to sleep.

But when a subsequent pregnancy when the stomach is getting bigger then you also begin to sleep more uncomfortable, because of an enlarged abdomen,

the baby's movement and leg cramps. But believe it all has a great value with the presence of the child later.

how is the best sleep position during pregnancy?

There has been no further research on safe sleeping positions for pregnant women, but experts recommend that after 16 weeks of gestation, pregnant women should sleep on his side to the left side, because this position is a benefit for your baby to get the blood flow and nutrients maximum to the placenta because of the large vein (vena cava inferior) on the back right of the spine that returns blood from the lower body to the heart. Can also help the kidneys to remove excess fluid from the product and the mother's body thus reducing swelling in the feet, legs and hands .

Tip: To sleep on his side is more comfortable you can put a pillow between your knees and your back one. Or you can buy a special bed pillow for pregnant women.