Friday, February 11, 2011

Causes of Dizziness

* Headache / dizziness can result from disorders that affect any body part that affects the balance (such as the inner ear and the eye) or from certain drugs.
* A description of the problem by the patient and results on physical examination can guess the cause, which may require additional tests.
* Treatment depends on the cause and may include medication to relieve the symptoms that accompany it.

Dizziness / headache were approximately 5 to 6% of visits to the doctor. 
It can occur at any age but becomes more common as people age. It affects about 40% of people older than 40 years sometimes. At any age, dizziness can cause problems, particularly when doing calculations or hazardous tasks, such as driving or operating heavy machinery. People who experience persistent dizziness or associated with daily activities should visit the doctor.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time for your baby to crawl

Crawling is the way for baby to introduce the environment independently for the first time. By crawling he'll learn to balance between his hands and knees. Then he will learn about the move 'forward' and 'backward'. At the same time the leg muscles will get stronger and soon he will be ready to start walking stepping.

Babies usually start to learn to crawl at the age of 6 to 10 months, is different for each child. But how to crawl every child is different, there's nothing like a caterpillar to scrape his belly, nothing like sitting position but can move forward. There also are past this stage, and immediately tried to pull himself to stand and crawl.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tips on caring for babies

The baby is weak and sensitive creatures that need special care as a whole. Caring for babies is not enough just to routine and regular maintenance, but also be compassionate as it will provide comfort and security to the baby.

Currently, many mothers are no longer able to care for her own baby as demanded by the work that they have to hire a baby sitter. 

Choose a baby sitter who is meek and patient care for your baby but agile. If possible find a baby sitter on the recommendation of a colleague who you know, because now a lot of baby-selling syndicate or infant abduction.In addition, by choosing a reliable baby sitter, you do not need to always be wary if your child should be left to bekerja.Yang important in caring for a baby, is good attention to the baby food, beverages, hygiene and clothing as well as her attention to the psychological and emotional baby. Although not yet able to speak, but the baby can also feel the stress that causes the baby is always fussy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tips to keep your weight during pregnancy

Keeping the weight of pregnant women is very important. So you can gain weight while pregnant, but the portions accordingly. The following tips can you look.
Weight gain during pregnancy is also not arbitrary. Not just fromthe weight increase, but also be aware of the nutritional contentand calories. Excessive weight gain is not good for mother andbaby.
So you can increase your weight during pregnancy as it should try to follow the following tips:

  • Eat five to six small meals, but often every day.
  • Always carry a light snack, like nuts, raisins, cheese, crackers, fruit, and ice cream or yoghurt.
  • Add nonfat powdered milk in foods such as mashed potato,scrambled egg, and cereal.
  • You can add other ingredients such as butter or margarine, cream cheese, sauce, gravy, sour cream, and cheese.
 And if it turns out your weight during pregnancy have more thanthey should, do not ever go on a diet and lose weight. Would not be safe for you and your baby if you lose weight during pregnancy

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Danger of Sitting Too Long

Diabetes was not just stalking them with unhealthy lifestyles. The study, written in Dailymail, revealed that women who sit seven hoursor more a day are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes

The study involved 505 female office workers who spent timeworking in a sitting position. Each volunteer was asked to undergotests to measure levels of certain chemicals in their blood.

From the results of the large number of studies found that insulinlevels is a blood sugar-regulating hormone in the body. However,insulin levels are raised so as to make the body becomes resistantto the hormone, and that's the beginning of the development of diabetes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pregnancy Skin Problems

Inevitably, since positive pregnant until late delivery, your skin hasexperienced many changes. Unfortunately, some of the changestersebu makes your skin so it is not attractive.

Physiological changes. Of course changes in levels of various hormones in the body making the skin look more oily pregnant women, or acne, darker, etc.. Although these things are common among pregnant women, not all women will experience it. There areseveral factors that trigger skin problems occurred, such as skin type, hormonal conditions, and congenital factors.

Not just cosmetic. To overcome this, pregnant women are advisednot to indiscriminate use of cosmetics. Cosmetic effect or attemptto take care of your skin on fetal development has not been done.But ethically, dermatologist will not give oral medication to women with pregnancies under 16 weeks. Because, when that's going oncell division and rapid growth. "Disturbance" any adverse risk to the development and fetal growth.

Some skin problems are commonly experienced by pregnant women include:
1. pimple
2. stretchmarks
3. Varicose veins and spider veins

Monday, January 17, 2011

Positive Activities, How to Effectively Handle Depression

Switch on positive activities can serve as an effective drug and not have to cost a fortune for people who suffer from depression. It is delivered by the Duke of Riverside and the University Medical Center.

Positive Psychology Interventions for Treating DepressiveDisorders Major and Minor, a jdul paper in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine quoted byScience Daily, proposes a new approach to treating depressionwith Positive Activity Interventions (PAI).

PAI is a is a positive activity, practicing optimism, and trying to findwisdom in the events being experienced. This new approach has the potential to be effective in dealing with cases of depression,where they do not have to take your medicine, lower cost, relativelyless time-consuming and promises better results, nor is there anyside effects.

Based on data from the National Institute of Mental Health, morethan 16 million U.S. adults (about 8 percent of the total population)suffer from depression, both severe and chronic. Overall, the WorldHealth Organization estimates that depression affects more than 100 million people worldwide

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lower Blood Pressure with Swim

POOL is one kind of a fun sport. Not only keeps the body healthy and fit, it also has other benefits pool that is to lower bloodpressure.

In a study quoted by the Wall Street Journal, said that swimming canreduce blood pressure and promote healthy arteries in adults.
The study was conducted with 43 ​​volunteers embrace the 50-80year-old Texas is divided into two groups.

Both groups were given training for 12 weeks of swimming as therapy. In the first group given pool exercises for 15-45 minutes for 3-4 days each week. As for the other groups just get stretching exercises and relaxation.

From the research mentioned, systolic blood pressure in the first group experienced a decrease of 7 percent. Besides their arteriesalso showed signs of more elastic and responsive to changes inblood flow. Whereas the second group, the results showed nosignificant change in blood pressure.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Causes of Sinusitis

DEFINITIONSinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that occurs due to allergy or infection with viruses, bacteria and fungi. Sinusitis can occur in any of the four existing sinus (maxillary, etmoidalis, frontal or sfenoidalis).
CAUSESinusitis can be acute (lasting for 3 weeks or less) or chronic (lasting for 3-8 weeks but can continue for many months or even years).
The cause of acute sinusitis:- Virus infection.Acute sinusitis can occur after a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (eg colds).

- Bacteria.In the human body there are several types of bacteria that normally do not cause disease (eg Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae). If the body's defense system decreases or the drainage of sinus congestion due to colds or other viral infections, the bacteria that were not dangerous will proliferate and infiltrate into the sinuses, causing an acute sinus infection.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Definition :
Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) is swelling of the tissue containing veins (veins) and is located in the wall of the rectum and anus. The anus is a hole at the end of the digestive tract where waste (feces, dirt) out of the body. The rectum is part of the gastrointestinal tract above the anus, where stool is stored before it is excreted through the anus. Hemorrhoids may become inflamed, causing blood clots (thrombus), bleeding or will enlarge and bulge out. Hemorrhoids that remain in the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) and hemorrhoid is out of the anus are called external hemorrhoids (external hemorrhoids).
Cause :
Hemorrhoids can occur due to repeated stretching during bowel movements and constipation (difficulty in bowel movements, constipation) can make peregangannya worse. Liver disease causes an increase in blood pressure in the portal vein and sometimes causes the formation of hemorrhoids.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cause of Cataracts

Definition : Cataracts are opacities in the lens of the eye that causes visual impairment.
Cause :In many cases, the cause is unknown. Cataracts usually occur in the elderly and can be lowered. Cataract formation is accelerated by environmental factors, such as smoking or other toxic materials.
Cataracts can be caused by:* Injury to the eye* Metabolic diseases (eg diabetes)* Certain medications (eg corticosteroids).
Kongenitalis cataract cataract is found in infants at birth (or some time later).Cataracts can kongenitalis is a hereditary disease (autosomal dominant inherited)

Monday, January 3, 2011

How to Breastfeed Your Babies

As a support to the formation of tissues in the body, the milk must be given to infants and there is no particular limitation for the baby to stop taking them. Milk can make babies grow into children who are intelligent, active and agile. Give milk to babies there are rules.If too little, the development of the baby's body may not be as healthy or as fit as your baby is drinking milk and infants may also be vulnerable. In contrast, the excess baby milk can also be grown too big and too fat.

Milk for babies under 3 months is the main food, and breast milk is an essential nutrient. Feed the baby breast milk when out for the first time and after that breastfeeding a baby is set at certain times.
The most appropriate time breastfeeding when the baby is finished bath. In this condition the baby feel fresh and will drink more milk.Feed the baby for about half an hour, and stop after that. You can feed him again by giving at least 1 hour. You can also intersperse milk with meals after the baby is older than 3 months. Customize your baby's diet with age. 4-month-old infants can be helped by fast-food milk in accordance with the advice of a doctor. Giving milk to babies will decrease in intensity with increasing age of the baby.