Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Danger of Sitting Too Long

Diabetes was not just stalking them with unhealthy lifestyles. The study, written in Dailymail, revealed that women who sit seven hoursor more a day are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes

The study involved 505 female office workers who spent timeworking in a sitting position. Each volunteer was asked to undergotests to measure levels of certain chemicals in their blood.

From the results of the large number of studies found that insulinlevels is a blood sugar-regulating hormone in the body. However,insulin levels are raised so as to make the body becomes resistantto the hormone, and that's the beginning of the development of diabetes.

In addition the results of research hosted in Leicester University,discovered the large number of C-reactive protein, leptin, andinterleukin-6 adinopectin, which is released by fat tissue in the abdomen and cause further inflammation.

"This study provides new evidence that a longer time sitting, and lack of physical activity, could result in the destruction of insulinresistance and inflammation in women," said the researchers.These findings were published in the Journal of PreventiveMedicine

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