Wednesday, March 14, 2012

10 tips for healthy pregnancy

As long as mothers tend to sacrifice their lives to meet the needs of their children, the mother's body will submit its own essential nutrients to provide health and growth of the developing baby. Unfortunately, nutrition is so often lacking even this sacrifice does not guarantee adequate nutrition for the unborn baby.
Fortunately, there are a number of tips that if followed during pregnancy, can help both baby and mother stay healthy and vit!
Here is my top 10 list to ensure a healthy pregnancy. It includes recommendations on nutrition, vitamins, minerals and other common sense tips that can lead to a happier, healthier and more vital pregnancy.

1. Foods that contain zinc intake, 
inadequate zinc is the most common problems and deficiencies during pregnancy. Zinc is important for two reasons: proper growth and to develop a healthy immune system for infants. Studies show that zinc is not sufficient even cause immune deficiency in the next generation (ie grandchildren) as well. Be sure to get at least 15 milligrams per day of zinc in your diet, which can be found in high protein foods like meat and nuts.
Folic Acid 
Getting enough folic acid is important both before and during pregnancy to help ensure proper growth and to prevent birth defects. It is in green, leafy vegetables. Women should get at least 400-800 micrograms per day.
Magnesium deficiency in the American diet and routine can increase the likelihood of high blood pressure and seizures during pregnancy, a condition known as eclampsia. To prevent this deficiency, take 200 milligrams of magnesium in the glycinate form daily. Grains, green leafy vegetables and beans and legumes are good sources of magnesium. Taking the right amount of magnesium a day also helps to reduce leg cramps and constipation often experienced during pregnancy. In addition, magnesium is essential for more than 300 other body functions and will generally help you to feel much healthier.
Vitamin B 
It is important for energy, mental clarity and to prevent depression. Vitamin B has also been found to improve pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes.Taking 200 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily can improve the health of women who suffer from this form of diabetes. But please note that only women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy should take a high level of vitamin B, and have to drop the level of consumption to 100 milligrams per day for the last month. For all other soon-to-be moms, take approximately 25-50 mg per day of vitamin B and vitamin B12 for normal nerve function.
Fish Oil
The human brain is made especially DHA, an essential fatty acid found in fish oil. Perhaps this is why there is an old wives' tale about fish brain food. Regardless, DHA deficiency is very common and it is very important that pregnant women get adequate fish oils so that their babies can develop a healthy and optimal brain tissue. DHA may also reduce the risk of postpartum depression. Unfortunately, though, the FDA has raised concerns about high mercury levels with fish (salmon and tuna) that have the highest level of this oil. Excellent alternative for those who do not want to risk it is to take one half to one tablespoon of Eskimo 3 fish oil. This is a special form of fish oil that actually tastes good (most are), and has been tested to ensure that no mercury or other problematic compounds.
Ideally, pregnant women should ingest 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day plus 400-600 units of Vitamin D.Calcium is best done at night (it helps to sleep) in liquid, powder or chewable form. Many just lime and calcium tablets do not dissolve in the stomach, and thus are not well absorbed. Each cup of milk or yogurt contains 400 milligrams of calcium.
Around 18-36 milligrams of iron per day can help.Interestingly, iron deficiency can sometimes cause infertility. And pregnant women are not getting enough iron are at risk for anemia, fatigue, poor memory and decreased immune function.
Be sure to drink plenty of water. When pregnant, blood volume can be increased by about 30 percent and is easy to become dehydrated. If dry mouth or lips, drink more! Adequate salt is also helpful in preventing dehydration (less so if you have a problem with fluid retention).
CHECK thyroid. 
Millions of women diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which accounts for more than 6% of miscarriages, and was associated with a learning disability when the child was born. Treating low thyroid is a safe and easy during pregnancy. Previously it was treated better. As soon as you know that you are pregnant (or trying to conceive), check the TSH blood test to check your thyroid. Most doctors do not know that TSH BE LESS THAN 3 OR YOU NEED TREATMENT, SO SEE THE RESULT FOR YOURSELF (Many still use the dangerous and outdated criteria of TSH for 5 is normal).
Some need to be avoided 
Some warnings for pregnant women: avoid taking more than 8,000 units of vitamin A per day.And do not take part in anything that can increase the body temperature too high (hot tub, sauna or steam room). It has been implicated as a possible increased risk of birth defects. Most pregnant women are also, of course, aware that smoking, drugs and alcohol should all be avoided during pregnancy. Exercise, on the other hand, has proved very beneficial and result in the baby and mother are healthy enough

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