Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All about leukimia

Leukimia or blood cancer is a diverse group of neoplastic diseases, are not characterized by normal or malignant transformation of blood-forming cells in bone marrow and lymphoid tissues.Normal cells in the bone marrow was replaced by normal or abnormal cells. These abnormal cells out of the marrow and can be found in the peripheral blood or peripheral blood. Hematopoiesis or leukemia cells affect the formation of normal blood cells and immune patients.

The word leukemia means white blood, because the people found a lot of white blood cells before therapy was given. White blood cells are cells that look much younger, for example promielosit. This raised the amount that can disrupt the normal function of other cells.

Leukemia can be classified on the basis of:
Natural history of disease: acute and chronic
Acute leukemia is characterized by a very rapid course of the disease, lethal, and worse. If not treated promptly, the patient may die in a matter of weeks to days. While the course of the disease have chronic leukemia is not so fast that it has a longer life expectancy, up to more than 1 year even reached 5 years.

Predominant cell type involved: lymphoid and myeloid

Then, the disease is classified by type of cells found in peripheral blood preparations.

When leukemia affects the lymphocytes or lymphoid cells, it is called lymphocytic leukemia.
When leukemia affects the myeloid cells such as neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils, it is called leukemia mielositik.
The number of leukocytes in the blood

Leukemia leukemik, when the number of leukocytes in the blood more than normal, there are abnormal cells
Leukemia subleukemik, when the number of leukocytes in the blood less than normal, there are abnormal cells
Leukemia aleukemik, when the number of leukocytes in the blood less than normal, there are no abnormal cells
The prevalence of four major types

By combining the first two classifications, the leukemia can be divided into:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is the most common type of leukemia in children. The disease is also present in adults who primarily have been aged 65 years or more
Mielositik acute leukemia (LMA) is more common in adults than children was formerly called anak.Tipe nonlimfositik acute leukemia.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (LLK) often affects adults over the age of 55 years. Sometimes it also affects young adults, and almost none on children
Mielositik chronic leukemia (CML) often occurs in adults. Can also occur in children, but very little
Type that often affects adults is LMA and LLK, while the LLA often occurs in children.


Acute and chronic leukemia is a form of malignancy or malignant clonal propagation that arise from the cells forming the blood cells that are not controlled. Normal cellular control mechanisms may not work properly due to a change in the genetic code that should be responsible for the regulation and differentiation of cells pertubuhan.

Leukemia cells undergo a recycling time is slower than normal cells. Ripening or maturation process is incomplete and lanbar run and last longer than a normal cell type.


The cause of leukemia is not known with certainty, but it is known that several factors can affect the frequency of leukemia, such as:


Radiation can increase the frequency of LMA and LMA. There are no reports about the relationship between radiation with LLK.Several reports that support:

The radiology staff more often suffer from leukemia
Patients with radiotherapy more often suffer from leukemia
Leukemia incidence was found in atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
2.Faktor leukemogenik

There are some chemicals that have been identified to affect the frequency of leukemia:

Environmental toxins such as benzene
Industrial chemicals such as insecticides
Drugs for chemotherapy

In Africa, 10-20% of patients had LMA kloroma around the eye orbit
In Kenya, China, and India, LMK on patients aged 20-40 years
At the East Asia and East India LLK rare.

People with Down syndrome have an incidence of acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people.


Viruses such as retroviruses can cause leukemia, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 in adults.

Acute Leukemia

Clinical manifestations

Manifestations of acute leukemia is the result of complications that occur in hematopoietic neoplasms in general. But each has his trademark acute leukemia respectively. Broadly speaking, acute leukemia has 3 main signs are:

The number of cells in the periphery is very high, resulting in tissue infiltration or leukostasis
Replacement of normal bone marrow elements which can result in complications as a result of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia
Physiologic factors that lead to spending a significant complication
Diagnostic tool

Acute leukemia can be diagnosed through several tools, such as:

Examination of morphology: peripheral blood, bone marrow aspiration, bone marrow biopsy
Cytochemical staining
Molecular diagnostics
Bone Marrow Transplant For Leukemia Patients

Leukemia treatment varies depending on the type and stage.Treatment of chronic leukemia are not as aggressive as acute leukemia. For the treatment of chronic leukemia, the drug is given more simple and can be given to drink. The goal is simply to control the growth of cancer cells. Chronic leukemia in the course of the disease may relapse and become acute leukemia. In the relapse phase, the treatment is performed sesua with acute leukemia therapy.

For the treatment of acute leukemia, aims to destroy the cancer cells until they run out. Implementation in stages and consists of several cycles. Is the induction stage (early), consolidation and maintenance. Aimed at the induction stage of the cancer cells are progressively destroyed. The consolidation phase to eradicate residual cancer cells in order to achieve a complete recovery.Maintenance phase is useful to guard against recurrence. The usual therapy including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation tulang.Untuk acute leukemia treatment, aiming to destroy the cancer cells until they run out.Implementation in stages and consists of several cycles. Is the induction stage (early), consolidation and maintenance. Aimed at the induction stage of the cancer cells are progressively destroyed. The consolidation phase to eradicate residual cancer cells in order to achieve a complete recovery. Maintenance phase is useful to guard against recurrence. The usual therapy including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation.

Bone marrow is the soft tissue found in the interior cavity of the bone which is where most of the production of new blood cells.There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (also known as myeloid tissue) and yellow marrow. Red blood cells, platelets, and most white blood cells produced from the red marrow. Yellow marrow produces white blood cells and the color is caused by fat cells that many contain. Both types of bone marrow contains many blood vessels and capillaries.

Bone marrow transplant is a procedure in which damaged bone marrow is replaced with healthy bone marrow. Damaged bone marrow can be caused by high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In addition, bone marrow transplant is also useful to replace blood cells destroyed by cancer. Bone marrow transplantation can use the patient's own bone marrow is still healthy. This is called autologous bone marrow transplantation.Bone marrow transplants can also be obtained from others. If obtained from an identical twin, the transplant is called syngeneic.Meanwhile, when obtained from non-identical twins, for example, of siblings, called allogenik transplantation. Currently, bone marrow transplantation is most often performed in allogenik.

Why is a bone marrow transplant is needed in the treatment of Leukemia? The main reason it does is that the patient could be given treatment with high dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy. to understand why the bone marrow transplant is needed, also need to understand how chemotherapy and radiation therapy work. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy generally affect cells that divide rapidly. They are used because cancer cells divide more rapidly than healthy cells. However, because bone marrow cells also divide frequently, treatment with high doses can damage the cells of the bone marrow. Without healthy bone marrow, the patient can not produce blood cells are needed.Transplanted healthy bone marrow can restore the ability to produce blood cells that patients need.

Side effects of bone marrow transplantation remain, namely the possibility of infection and bleeding are also possible because high doses of cancer treatment. This can be overcome by administering antibiotics or blood transfusions to prevent anemia.If successful bone marrow transplant, the patient may recover by 70-80%, but still allow for recurrences. If not performed bone marrow transplantation, the cure rate is only 40-50%