Monday, March 12, 2012

6 Tips for invigorating your marriage bond

Beginning of the year can be a refreshing moment of your relationship and your partner.
Ahead of the new year can be synonymous with contemplation, thinking about what has been done over the past year and that will be done in the coming year. 
This is the right time to awaken a new spirit and thinking about things that are 'unusual' and fun! If confused, you can try the following ideas.

1. Attention and surprises
Ati attention Haryo pile of letters sitting on the desk in their small workspace. 
No wonder the Haryo often miss the importance of the letter, given the way he was so messed up that letter. Ati secretly bought a small cabinet Haryo filling and arrange the letters in such a way Haryo. Of course Haryo surprise with her efforts.

Surprises are not necessarily purchased. 
Necessary foresight to know what is most needed a husband, and certainly looking Momennya. Another example is the silent partner to bring the car salon car to be cleaned before New Year's party attended. Surely he would not be whining after a loss for the car (and probably you too) so the car look slick.

2. Activity 'unusual'
Tina and Adi did not have to spend a special event later this year.Suddenly she asked Adi traveled to Bogor ride public transportation alone. 
Of course this sounds weird Moreover, there are two cars in the garage of their home!. Adi follow any advice Tina. 
Apparently they both really enjoy!.

3. Tidy keepsakes
Invite a couple clean house clean, especially the letters pile or old album together. 
As he cleared the pile of letters or album, you and he can also remember the fun things that go through together over the years. Who knows at the moment you find her first love letter or greeting cards at special moments. Sure is fun! (This too is similar to Example number one: place letter etc.)

4. Achieve 'project' old alone
Irma and Huzrin'd been planning on redecorating their bedroom but it was only done at the end of the year. 
Irma and Huzrin activities make happy. Starting from choosing the material to move furniture and painted walls, they do both. The room was ready for use in the new year, new spirit of the time occupied by both. (OK, this is nice)

5. Flashback memories of the places
Juang and Ratna trail plan to explore their relationship with the places they had visited especially during courtship. 
The result? It was shocking!. Suddenly they seemed to be restored to the memory of times when they both were dating. After coming back from that activity Ratna Juang and more intimate. (OK, but the writer's life should be more ...)

6. Work with the new
After doing various fun activities at the end of the year, it's time you plan an activity to do together. 
Choose an activity that interests you both and do it regularly. Longing and Dafa, for example, who feel the various themes presented in the study mature relationship the two of them then decided to join the study groups. (Recitation may be OK, but a bit too seriously in my opinion. What if both learned something new, such as ballroom dancing, tennis, fitness center join together - to lose weight it's new year resolution is quite plural)

They feel the need to do this activity together because after contemplation, Love and a new Dafa ngeh if lately they rarely spend time together alone. 
You were certainly able to find new things of the couple, it could be, do not you expect before